In particular, the research aims at determining the appropriate crop structure for the winter, summer and Nile field crops.
Aiming to maximize the return of the ground unit,as targeted the net return of the water unit, the water quantity and the rationalization of its consumption is a point of study.
The first scenario includes an increase in the total area of winter crops by 0.19% on the current crop structure.
As for summer crops, the suggested model include increasing the cultivated area by 5.15 % on the current crop composition.
As for Nile crops, the suggested model includes increasing the cultivated area by 9.82 % on the current crop composition.
And the second suggested scenario indicates that the total area of winter crops is reduced by 8.15 % from the current crop structure where the model indicates the increase of cultivated areas of the wheat crop by 30.35 % from the current structure.
As for summer crops, the suggested model includes a decrease in the total area of summer crops by 14.28 % on the current crop structure.
As for Nile crops, the suggested model includes a decrease in the total area of summer crops by 61.09 % on the current crop structure, the suggested crop structure for the remaining areas after consumption coverage included winter, summer and Nile field crops.
The group of winter fields crops occupies about 90.64 thousand acres , the group of summer fields crops occupies about 8.62 thousand acres , and the Nile fields crops occupies about 2.73 thousand acres