A survey results showed the presence of 15 Nematode genera associated with soil and roots of trees Yemeni coffee (the Round Cultivar) in eleven locations in BaniMattar Directorate of Sana'a. Where the most genera (14 genera) were appeared in Aloshah site (47 samples) and least onegenus was Helicotylenchus sp. in Dia'atMane'a site (3 samples) with an average of density 1080 nematodes / kg soil and the frequency of occurrence (FO) rate 0.3%, despite the small number of samples.
The root knot nematode Meloidogyne sp. was appeared in two locations Aloshah (47 samples) and Alkayyat (10 samples) with density 23.8 and 23.6 Larvae / kg soil and the rate of FO rate 0.04 and 0.1%, respectively, but not galling observed on roots. The Lesion nematode Pratylenchus sp. was Presented in Alacolh site (7 samples), Alakmh site (2 samples) and Alsolpin site (4 samples) with density 80, 1300, 244 and 186 nematodes / kg soil and the FO rate 0.3, 0.09, 0.5 and 0.5%, respectively. While stunt nematode Tylenchorhynchus sp. was found in eight sites and density ranged between 40 and 1360 nematodes / kg soil and the FO rate between 0.14 and 0.5%. In general the results showed that presence 15 nematode genera associated with the soil and the roots of the coffee trees in BaniMattar Directorate of Sana'a. The lesion nematode Pratylenchus sp. was prevalent with density rate in the total samples studied 628.9 nematodes/ kg soil, FO rate 0.093% and the appearance value (PV) 19.21, followed by genus Tylenchus sp. with density 277.2 nematode/kg soil, FO rate 0.38% and PV 17.09. The anther nematode genera were density rate between 123.6 and 1.2 nematode / kg soil, FO ranged between 0.009 and 0.24% and the PV ranged between 0.012 and 7.593.