God has been praised humans over all other creatures by creating a partner to him whom he could find comfort. God makes love and mercy between them all the time through this holy thick bound, which is represented at marriage. But because of the economical, social, technological changes which are getting bigger year after year that affects negatively on the family relations which causes the splitting up between the couples and causes the divorce, and lately the early divorce becomes a phenomena that causes a great concern. The early divorce is the divorce which happens at the first five years of the marriage, It has been spread widely at the society. From this point the reason we choose this problem to study. We have studied this problem at rural area of Assiut the country side of Assiut, we identify the reasons and the effects of the divorce on women and children also the ways to stop this problem. So we identify the cities which have the highest number of divorce cases through the first five years of marriage which has been introduced to the family court at Assiut, these cases has been adjudicated divorce. The cities are Assiut, Dairout, Aboutiej, Fateh, then we have chosen the cities which have the largest number of these cases at all and they are Mankabad, Dairout el shrief, Balayza, and Wasta.
Then we identify the names of the ladies who belong to these cases at the family court in 2015. The number of these ladies was 1100 and the sample has been taken randomly of 278 divorced lady.
The data has been gathered by interviewing ach one of these ladies by using a questionnaire which has been used for this specific purpose. The results was most of these divorced ladies have educational degrees less the university degree, most of these ladies have been married at young ages, most of these ladies live with their husbands' families. About the reasons of the divorce there are many reasons lead to the divorce, some of these reasons are psychological, economical, physical. About the effects of the divorce to the women, there are many effects. One of the most important effects of the divorce on women was the financial obstacles, which the women would face alone because of the financial commitment, and the troubles the women would face because of the people's harassment. About the effects of the divorce on children, usually the children has been distracted between the two divorced parents. Also when they are older they would have psychological problems and they usually hate their father. About the solutions we suggest that the most important solution is taking the husband the whole responsibility of the family, also the gentle treating to the wife, also the separation between the husbands' parents and the couples, and finally the ability of the husbands to meet the family demands