A field experiment was conducted in Agriculture Faculty Farm, El-Azhar University, Assiut Branch in 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 seasons to study the effect of foliar Lithovit fertilization at different doses on yield and growth of two broccoli cultivars using two planting methods. Randomized Complete Blocks Design (RCBD) in split-spilt-plot arrangements with three replicates was used. The two planting methods (direct sowing and transplants) occupied the main plots. While, the Broccoli cultivars (Calabrese and Waltham 29) were arranged in the sub- plots. The Lithovit levels were; 0% (control), 0.05%, 0.10 % and 0.20 %.These concentrations were distributed in the sub- sub- plots. The obtained results revealed that planting method affected significantly most of the studied traits. But insignificant differences were detected for number of branches/plant in both seasons and No. of curds/plant, main head weight and total head yield (ton/feddan) in the first season. Most of studied traits reacted significantly to transplanting method except plant height. The tallest plants were obtained from direct seed sowing method. Also, Broccoli cultivars varied significantly in all studied traits except plant height in the first season and number of days from planting to heading in both seasons. Here too, Calabrese cultivar surpassed Waltham 29 in all studied traits except number of branches /plant in both seasons. The foliar application of Lithovit enhanced significantly plant height, main head length, main head diameter, main head weight and total head yield (ton/feddan) in favor of 0.05% concentration in the two growing seasons. The highest broccoli yield was obtained from Calabrese cultivar planted with direct seeds and subjected to 0.05% Lithovit as foliar application. Also, transplanting the same cultivar without using Lithovit fertilizer gave better growth and higher yield.