This study was carried out at the Experimental Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt, during 2012 and 2013. Two cultivar accessions of the local cauliflower "El-Soultani" were used. Six pre-sowing seed treatments were tested. These included: 1) seeds imbibed in tap water for 6 h and subjected to chilling at 4-5oC for 10 or 15 d, 2) seeds imbibed in tap water for 6 h, air dried and stored for 10 or 15 d, 3) seeds merely imbibed in tap water for 6 h and 4) untreated seeds. These seed treatments were scheduled so as to be simultaneously sown. The results revealed that the highest curd weight total yield were produced by plants derived from seeds imbibed in tap water for 6 h and subjected to chilling at 4-5oC for 15 d. The increase in total crud yield for this treatment ranged from 73.9 to 77.3% relative to control treatment (untreated). The visible curd initiation for this treatment was also earlier by 7 d, on average. It is concluded that considerable cauliflower crop enhancement can be achieved by this simple and environment friendly treatment at low added production cost. Second to this treatment was the seeds imbibed in tap water for 6 h and subjected to chilling at 4-5oC for 10 d. The seeds imbibed in tap water for 6 h, air dried and stored for 10 d came in the third order.