The research aims to identify the problems facing honey beekeepers in the Kafreldawwar district in Beheirah Governorate, their suggestions to overcome these problems, and finally identify the sources of their information about honey bee breeding. The research was conducted on a random sample of honey beekeepers in Kafreldawwar district in Beheirah Governorate, amounted to 100 of honey beekeepers, representing 25% of the total population which amounted 400 honey beekeeper .Data were collected after pre-testing the personal interview questionnaire during the month of January 2022. Frequencies and percentages were used in the analysis of the results.
The most important results were as follows:
First: The problems facing the surveyed beekeepers: they could be ranked in descending order according to their frequency among the respondents as follows:Water pollution from which honey bees drink, it was mentioned by 88%, the spread of diseases, especially Varroa it was mentioned by 87%, pesticide spraying on crops, which leads to insect poisoning during nectar collection, it was mentioned by 81%, lack of markets for honey bee products it was mentioned by 86%, lack of sufficient publicity about Honey bee products it was mentioned by 86%, high transportation costs and inappropriate means, and the absence of extension programs in the field of honey bee breeding it was mentioned by 83%, and the absence of a relationship between the bee research department at the Agricultural Research Center and the extension' system it was mentioned by 75%.
Second: The most important proposals of the surveyed honey beekeepers to overcome the problems they face: At the forefront of them holding national campaign to raise awareness of ways to combat Varroa, it was mentioned by 96% of the respondents, followed by the establishment of a market to market bee products, it was mentioned by 92% of the respondents.
Third: The most important sources from which honey bee keepers derive their information are: Experienced beekeepers it was mentioned by 84% of the respondents, followed by the Beekeepers Association it was mentioned by 70% of the respondents, then researchers at research stations it was mentioned by 61% of the beekeepers respondents.