
Securing Family and Society in Achieving 2030 Vision


Last updated: 01 Jan 2025




Home economics


Let me start by thanking the organizers of this important workshop for giving me this opportunity to deliver the keynote address on Securing Families and Society in achieving Vision 2030. The theme chosen for this conference has no better time than now as most families are facing hazards and challenges which has affected family wellbeing. All over the world, the family either as a social institution or as religious setting is very important to the individual, communities, society and the nation. No individual or a nat­ion can rise above the quality of its families or society. As Home Economists, our concern should be securing families and societies of the hazards and challenges which by and large can be associated to:

Economic Instability Challenges

This has to do with the family finances, whereby most family income cannot provide the goods and products to sustain the family, the high cost of living, rising inflation, rising profile of poverty, scarcity of goods, etc has affected the wellbeing of most families by and large the society.

Food and Shelter Challenges

The effect of global warming and soil degradation, farming efforts yield no encouraging output as there is food scarcity thereby brought about malnutrition among family members. In addition, the cost of basic accommodation especially in urban and semi-urban settlements is on the increase, forcing families and society into hunger and famine without basic food and shelter to survive. Food is necessary for the growth, health and good condition of the family members where as shelter being one of the basic human needs along with food and water provides family members that cover and protection. 

Health Care Challenges

 Women and child are the most affected in terms of lack of basic health delivery services as location and access to hospitals and dispensaries are not within the reach of rural and semi urban areas. Where such health centres exist, drugs are not available or not genuine but costly. This has negative impact on the wellbeing of families and society. Thus the health of the family and society is paramount in all affairs of any nation, as no nation can develop without healthy families and societies.

Environmental Challenges

This is mostly associated with soil degradation and erosion, air pollution, climate change, global warming, insecurity which make families, communities and society unsafe  to live and be involved in any meaningful socio-economic and political activities for societal development and advancement (Mohammed, 2021).

Socio-Political and Cultural Challenges.

This is as a result of differences in culture, religion, ethnicity, ideology and politics. Due to intolerance, individuals, families, communities and society could be raided and dealt with by thugs, warmongers, masquerades and so on. Not easily identified gun men and women and soon leading to ethnic cleansing, inter-tribal, inter-political and inter-religious crisis and wars where everyone tries to escape for their dear lives (Mohammed, 2021). This distablises the security of the families and societies. Women and children are mostly affected. Thus Home economists should focus on promoting the livelihood of those affected by educating women on simple hygiene, family nutrition, and basic entrepreneurial skills in all areas of Home economics.

Education and Technological Challenges

Several benefits of western education have made people and nation to hold it in high esteem.                      It is an instrument for national development. Good as education is it has a big challenge where it does not prepare its citizens to have mass of talented technology/technical based workface. This will create businesses, occupations, adequate and competent manpower that will eventually improve the economy of a nation. As home economists, we should be concerned with promoting home level technologies with appropriate entrepreneurial skills in all areas of home economics so as to promote self reliance and productivity. 
Concluding Remark
As Educators we need not to be reminded of all these challenges facing families and societies. Our profession should be part of the Sustainable Development Goals by ensuring that we see how best and efficient we can secure families and societies so that we can eradicate hunger, poverty, provide good health, peace, functional education and good environment that is free of insecurity. This will improve the well being of families and societies.
I sincerely wish you fruitful deliberations and pleasant stay in Egypt. Thank you for listening.




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Zakari Mohammed




Department of Home Economics Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria- Nigeria









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Securing Family and Society in Achieving 2030 Vision




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22 Jan 2023