Two consecutive growing seasons of successful field experiments 2018/19 and 2019/20 were caried out at Nubaryia Agriculture Research station (30º 54` 54`` N 29º 57` 53`` E) in calcareous soils under drip irrigation to study the effect of applied three rates of water (I) 60, 80 and 100% of potential evapotranspiration ETp (using class A pan) and two soil amendments (S) plus control treatment (without amendment) , Aquita and Potassium humate on water relation, crop coefficient and productivity of two sugarbeet varieties (V), Farida and Marathon. The statistical split-split plots design with three replicates was adopted for this study. Roots yield, gross sugar yield, amount applied irrigation water (AIW), water consumptive use (WCU), crop coefficient (Kc), productivity of irrigation water (PIW) and water productivity (WP) of the two tested sugarbeet varieties were calculated and evaluated. The results, in the two seasons, indicated that there was a significant and direct relationship between irrigation rate (I) and yield of roots and gross sugar of the two sugarbeet varieties (V). The highest values of roots crop were (30.55 tons fed-1) and raw sugar (5.724 tons / feddan) obtained from the irrigation treatment of 100% of standard evapotranspiration in the first season, while it was (23.053 tons fed-1) and (4.325 tons fed-1). With the irrigation treatment 80% of the measured evaporation emitted in the second season. The addition soil amendment (Aquita) was more efficient than potassium humate on roots and gross sugar yields. The interactions of (I x V) was significant effect for roots and gross sugar yields in both seasons. Farida variety with 100% ETp irrigation rate recorded the highest roots and gross sugar yields in the first season, while Marathon variety with 80% rate achieved the highest ones in the second season. The (I x S) interaction was significant effect on root yields in both seasons, and the highest yield was recorded by (100 ETp irrigation rate with Aquita soil amendment) treatment. However, the (S x V) interaction was significant effect for grass sugar yield in the second season only and the highest yield was obtained by (Aquita with Farida variety) treatment. Also, the interaction of (I x S x V) was significant effect on roots and gross sugar yields in the second season only. The maximum roots were obtained by (Farida variety amended with Aquita under 100% of ETp) treatment, while the gross sugar yield was recorded by (Marathon variety amended with potassium humate under 80% of ETp) treatment. The obtained overall average values of (AIW) were 2682.31, 2173.69 and 1665.10 m3 fed-1 for 100, 80 and 60 % of ETp, respectively. Also, the overall average of water consumptive use (WCU) for the two Farida and Marathon sugarbeet varieties were (1985.05, 1597.07 and 1205.46 m3) and (1956.91, 1586.14 and 1181.44 m3) for 100, 80 and 60 % of ETp, respectively. Crop coefficient (Kc) was not affected by the irrigation rate and sugarbeet varieties where the seasonal average Kc values for the three stages (Initial, Mid. and Late season) of Farida and Marathon were (0.34- 0.33, 1.02 -1.01 and 0.69- 0.67), respectively.