The northwest coastal region of Egypt is one of the most promising areas for agricultural development that due to its distinction in that it has all the resources and components of development available in one place.The study area was carried out on Wadi Abu Omira locate in the north western coast of Egypt west Marsa Matruh city to identify the geomorphic units and landforms in the study area as well as, classified the soils according to their taxonomy and land capability.The study area occupies an area of 1600 feddan and landforms were determined by geomorphological and topographical maps. Twenty three profiles have been selected to represent the main landform units in the soils study. The study area could be categorized by two orders namely Entisols and Aridisols. The Aridisols subgroups namely classified as Typic haplocalcids, lithic Torripsamments and Typic Torripsamments. The main diagnostic horizons of Aridisls are calcic horizons while Entisols are less developed soils. The different properties of the study area are profile depth, texture and topography properties, three soil mapping units were differentiated, deep coarse to moderately coarse textured, moderately deep coarse to moderately coarse textured, shallow coarse to moderately coarse textured soil. The field investigations showed that, 11.00% of the studied area has deep profile, moderately deep 38.00% while shallow depth covers only 51.00%. Regarding to the texture of the soil under study, 55.26 % to 44.73 of the area were sandy loam to loamy sand soil and the rest of area has either sand or sandy clay loam texture. Most of the area considered non saline to slightly saline and the studied area is moderately calcareous to extremely calcareous. According to USDA (1962), the study area classified into four capability classes II cover 154 feddan (9.63%), III cover 199 feddan (12.43%), VII cover 637 feddan (39.81%) and VIII cover 610 feddan (38.13%). According to FAO (2006), the current suitability of these soils can be placed at class S1 (slightly suitable), S2 (moderately suitable) S3, (marginally suitable) and N (unsuitable). The most limiting factors in the studied soils are profile depth, salinity index (EC), and available water (AW) while the rest limitation factors represent minor limitations. The present study is a trial to evaluate soil potentialities of this region in terms of land capability classification. In future such work will be useful as around basis for agricultural development policy of that region.