This study was carried out to select and evaluate the best okra pure lines with high yield and appropriate agronomical characteristics, which were produced from selfing with selection in S3 up to S6 generations. The program started with 18 improved families of Balady cultivar, and eight pure lines were developed during the period from 2017-2019. The selectorial program relied on estimating both correlation coefficient and selection indices as two important tools for contributing to the selection program. During the summer season of 2020, the resulting eight pure lines were evaluated compared with Balady cultivar; in a randomized complete block design. Means and coefficients of variation were estimated for the three generations S0, S3, and S6. The results showed that
- Eleven families from of the 18 families were selected based on estimates of the correlation coefficient and selection indices.
- Eight pure lines were selected from the 11 compositions during the three cycles of the individual plant selection program.
- The behavior of the three previously mentioned generations, i.e. S0, S3, and S6 in general, reflected a noticeable improvement in the values of both means and coefficients of variation for all the traits under study. This improvement represented a decrease in the values of the coefficient of variation, while mean of the different traits increased during the three generations, except for the vegetative growth traits.
- Evaluation of the eight pure lines showed that there is a marked distinction in all the studied traits, which was represented in reaching pure lines of short to medium length with the least number of branches, shortest internode length, and productivity.
Accordingly, all the selected pure lines outperformed the original population, as well as the families selected from it. Therefore, those new pure lines can be used in okra improvement breeding program in Egypt.