The foreign trade sector occupies a major role in the implementation of economic development programs, as the proceeds of exports participate in improving the national income and financing the country's needs from imports. The agricultural sector is one of the most important economic sectors in the country that contribute to the development of exports, especially exports of non-traditional vegetable crops, which characterizes Egypt. With its production, including the strawberry crop, which is universally accepted, the main objective of the research is to find out the real reasons that led to the instability of Egyptian strawberry exports during the period 2006-2018, taking into account that strawberries can be exported fresh, frozen, processed and prepared, which requires with it Studying the quantities produced from strawberries and ways to increase them, increasing their monetary value and annual growth rates for exports from them, as well as estimating some competitive indicators for other countries and the possibility of opening markets for Egyptian strawberry exports. The quantity and value of Egyptian exports of strawberries, Egypt's exports were characterized by fluctuation, and it was found that the cultivated area is increasing by An annual growth rate of about 6.4%, equivalent to about 1048 acres, and it was also found that the production of the strawberry crop is increasing at a growth rate of 8.3%, which is equivalent to about 23 thousand tons annually, and by calculating the growth function of the feddan productivity of the strawberry crop during the same period, the significance of the function at the level has not been proven The probability is 0.05. As for farm prices, it was found that the farm price is increasing at a growth rate of 8.4%, equivalent to about 179.36 pounds per ton annually. It also became clear that the crop value of strawberries is increasing at a growth rate of about 16.7%, equivalent to 111 million pounds annually. As for exports Of the strawberry crop, it was shown that the quantity and value of fresh strawberry exports increased at a growth rate of about 15%, 29.8%, equivalent to 5.6 thousand tons, and 19 million dollars annually, respectively. With regard to frozen strawberries, it was shown that the quantity and value of frozen strawberry exports increased by an average of Growth of about 20.2%, 27.5%, equivalent to four thousand tons annually, and 9 million dollars annually, respectively. As for prepared strawberries, it was shown that the quantity and value of prepared strawberry exports increased at a growth rate of about 21.5,27.8 % Equivalent to about 298,508 thousand dollars in the same year, respectively, The coverage rate was about 248% and 239%, respectively, which reflects a surplus in the Egyptian trade balance for both fresh and frozen strawberries. As for 860 tons annually, 1.6 million dollars annually, respectively. The significance of these transactions has been proven at the statistical level at 1%, except for the feddan productivity.
As for some indicators of foreign trade for the strawberry crop, it is found that by measuring the index of exports coverage of imports, it was found that the ratio of coverage of total exports of fresh and frozen strawberries, amounting to about 74,121 million dollars in 2018, respectively, to the value of total imports from them, which amounted to about 298,508 thousand dollars in the same year, respectively, the coverage rate was about 24897% and 23818%, respectively, which reflects the existence of a surplus in the Egyptian trade balance for both fresh and frozen strawberries. Dollars, in 2018, and there are no imports in the same year, a rate that reflects the existence of a surplus in the Egyptian trade balance from it.
As for the indicator of the degree of economic openness, it was found that by estimating the degree of economic openness indicator represented in the ratio of the total value of Egyptian exports and imports of fresh, frozen, prepared and processed strawberries, to the value of the gross domestic product, which amounted to about 251 billion US dollars in 2018, it becomes clear that the degree of economic openness For fresh, frozen, and prepared strawberries, they amounted to about 0.30%, 0.48%, and 0.02%, respectively. As for the strawberry penetration rate index to the most important global markets, this percentage amounted to o.70%, 0.65%, 0.61% for the French, German and Dutch markets. Respectively, as for the apparent comparative advantage index, this indicator has been studied for fresh, frozen and prepared strawberries, and the percentage of this indicator for fresh strawberries ranged between a minimum of about 0.05, a maximum of about 10.4 for fresh strawberries, and a minimum of about 0.1, and a maximum of about 40.3 for frozen strawberries, and it was found that Egypt, according to this indicator, occupies the first place compared to the most important countries exporting fresh and frozen strawberries in the world. The percentage of this indicator ranged between a minimum of about 0.2 and a maximum of about 8.5. It was also found that Egypt, according to this indicator, occupies the third place compared to the world's most important exporting countries of prepared strawberries, where Portugal occupies the first place, followed by Austria and then Egypt.