The central purpose of this study was to identify the educational benefits of an extension training program in the field of training of trainers for the members of farmers and their families' development associations in upper Egypt. Two approaches were used in this study. First, the learning measurement approach was used to identify the degree of educational benefits the trainers gained, in terms of knowledge and skills, from the offered training program which was revealed by 45 educational items. Second, the reaction measurement approach was used to identify each of the following: (1) Trainees opinions related to the important dimensions of reaction measurement process of the studied training program. (2) Trainees opinions related to the future
improvement of the training program. (3) Trainees opinions related to their training needs. Data were collected from 64 trainees participated in the studied program. Main statistical methods used for data analysis included: frequencies, percentages, means, and range. By comparing the knowledge and skill educational items before training with the knowledge and skill educational items after training, it was clear that the studied training program was very effective in increasing the trainees' knowledge in the field of training of trainers when compared with trainees' skills in the field of training of trainers. The results of this study should be regarded as a basis for designing and implementing similar programs in the future.