A field experiments was conducted at Sakha Agricultural Research Station, Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate in two soils (saline and non saline) during 2009 / 2010 rice growing season. The present study was designed to determine the most appropriate rice (Oryza sativa L.) transplanting methods to maximize the productivity of rice grain yield, net profit and water productivity of rice crop in North Delta, Egypt. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications. Eight treatments were established in the permanent field, as follows: T1 (random transplanting), T2 (regular transplanting 20 x 20 cm), T3 (transplanting on beds 80 cm wide), seedlings were transplanting in hills (4-5 plants) on two sides, T4 (transplanting on beds 80 cm wide), seedlings were transplanted in hills (4-5 plants) on bottom, T5 (transplanting on beds 80 cm wide), seedlings were transplanted in hills (4-5 plants) on top and bottom, T6 (transplanting of furrows 60 cm wide), seedlings were transplanted in hills (4-5 plants) on two sides, T7 (transplanting of furrow 60 cm wide), seedlings were transplanted in hills (4-5 plants) on bottom. T8 (transplanting of furrows 60cm wide), seedlings were transplanted in hills (4-5 plants) on top and bottom. The following results could be summarized as follows: Data showed that the traditional method of transplanting received the highest amount of irrigation water. While, the transplanting on beds and furrow used less amount of irrigation water compared to traditional method of transplanting and regular transplanting method. Data revealed that the irrigation water can be saved by 0.336, 1.204, 1.277, 1.108, 1.025, 1.066 and 0.932 m3/fed. With T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 and T8 compared to conventional transplanting method. This quantity of water saving could be enough to cultivate rice area; 51.43, 185.6, 196.84, 170.66, 158.07, 164.36 and 143.68 thousands feddans under Kafr El-Sheikh governorate condition. Data indicated that the highest values of field water use efficiency was obtained from T3 (transplanting on beds 80 cm wide), seedlings were transplanted in hills (4-5 plants) on two sides in normal and saline soils. While, the lowest value was resulted from T1 (traditional method of
transplanting) under normal and saline soils conditions. Data showed that the maximum rice grain and straw yield were produced by the treatment of T2 compared to T1 in both seasons. The lowest grain and straw yield were recorded with T7 and T8 transplanting method. The highest mean values of 1000-grain weight were obtained by T7 treatment in normal and saline soils, respectively. While, the lowest values were resulted from T1 in normal soil and T4 in saline soil. Data indicated that the highest values of total income, net profit, water productivity and economic efficiency were realized when using regular transplanting of rice at North Delta. While, the lowest values were recorded with transplanting rice on beds and bottom of furrows with 60 cm wide.