The aim of this study was mainly to economic analysis and descriptive standard functions vegetable production under style drip irrigation, and under typical protected cultivation and exposed in the southern Jordan Valley, and determine the volumes achieved economic efficiency and maximize the profit and the extent of justice in the distribution of agricultural tenure and the degree of fragmentation of these tenure. The primary data collection through personal field interview with farmers. Divided tenure agriculture by Pattern of agriculture and the method of irrigation into two groups, group crop vegetative planted exposed were irrigated drip and a crop vegetative protected cultivation been irrigated drip, and results showed the economic analysis descriptive The most important crops which recorded the highest net returns melon (434.9) dinars, and beans (318.6) JD / donum and eggplant record lowest rate of net returns by (15.11) dinars/ donum in the pattern of agriculture convertibles and style drip irrigation while the cucumber recorded highest rate of net return (700.2) JD / donum in the pattern of protected cultivation and drip irrigation.
Using the measurement model economic Multiple cost function shows that the areas that ensure economic efficiency away from the average area of agricultural holdings present in the study area and adult (20) without much (-35.6) donum as away areas property that ensures achieving maximization profit for this rate by (-47) donum, in the pattern of cultivation of a crop that was planted was exposed drip irrigated. either in the pattern of protected agriculture and the use of drip irrigation, the area property to ensure economic efficiency away from this rate by (9) donum, property also turned away an area that guarantee achieving maximization Profit (3) donum, ranging degree of fragmentation of agricultural holdings irrigated in the study area between (0.009-0.02) In addition to the apparent deviation from the baseline level of justice by (0.64), and the high proportion of multiple pieces tenure and low area per possession . The study recommended directing farmers about agricultural cooperative work, and the establishment of a company to market agricultural production and facilitate the consolidation procedures smallholder through swap between farmers, and the development of national guidance programs for the introduction of modern technologies in production, such as protected cultivation and use of drip irrigation technology .