Crop genetics and breeding
This work was carried out on 18 genotypes of barely (16 out of them are landraces and two are commercial
cultivars). These genotypes were cultivated at the farm of Nubaria Agricultural Research Station for the two
successive seasons of 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 and evolutional of some characters were significant differ
between genotypes with respect of the green yield character.
The data showed that the commercial varieties are higher than that of the landraces. Plant height (cm)
showed that genotype 1 and 11 were higher than that of the commercial varieties in both seasons. Also the
genotype 12 was found to be higher. No. of days to heading (days) in one season: Genotypes 2, 11 and 13 were proven to be higher compared with the commercial varieties. But in the second season genotypes 11 and 13 were higher compared with that of the commercial varieties. Grain yield (g m-2) in one season: No. 3&16 were found to be higher landraces genotypes compared with the commercial cultivars but its less than commercial cultivars. But in the second season were genotypes 3, 5and 13 higher compared with the remaining landraces but it's lower than the commercial the commercial varieties. Spike length (cm) was genotype 2 hieher compared with landraces genotypes in both seasons. No. plants per m2 in one season: Genotype 4 and 5 were proven to be higher compared with that of the commercial varieties. But in the second season were 5 and 7 higher compared with that of landraces genotypes. Weight of 1000 grains (g) in one season: No. 1 and 4 proved to be higher compared with that of commercial ones. But in the second season were 1 and 4 hieher compared with landraces genotypes. Correlation between
no. of days to heading (days) was significant with spike length (cm) and negative significant with grain yield but 1000 grains (g) during the first season of 2012/2013, but in the second season 2013/2014 it was significant with spike length (cm) and negative high significant with 1000 grains.
Key words: Land races, Barley, Yield and yield components
Genetic Resources Research Dept. in Field crops research institute,
ARC, Giza, Egypt.
Genetic Resources Research Dept. in Field crops research institute,
ARC, Giza, Egypt.
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Alexandria Science Exchange Journal
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Evaluation of Some Barley Landraces