
Take Advantage of Leftover Yarns of Different Materials in Factories to Produce out Wear Clothing For Ladies Achieve the Aesthetic Appearance and the Functional Performance


Last updated: 01 Jan 2025




Home economics


The search is designed to Take advantage of leftover Yarns of different Materials in factories to produce Out Wear Clothing for Ladies achieve the Aesthetic appearance and the Functional performance and using leftover yarn in the production of angled wefts (materials, spinning style, mixing ratio, colors, yarns counts) various types of fabric ladiesOut Wearconsumers with aesthetic values and specifications check the positive influence on the aesthetic and functional performance, as well as the economic side, Also produce all the twisted yarns samples and (5) of the individual yarns (leftover yarns) using a cabled loop and process these samples with different (materials, spinning style, mixing ratio, counts, colors) and use in several materials are: Poly-acrylic (60%)+ Linen(40%)Turquoise/Beige, Poly-acrylic (100%)+ Cotton (100%) Beige/white, poly-acrylic (50%) + Linen (50%) Red /Beige, Poly-acrylic (67%) + Polyester (33%) Red/Red, Poly-acrylic (50%) + Linen(50%) Grey/Beige, and used as wefts at( ELZAWY) factory in (ALSALAM) city Cairo.                                                  
       (5) samples of fabrics were produced from twisted yarns and these samples produced by the Egyptian company for spinning and weaving Wool in (Imbaba), Cairo to take advantage of leftover yarns in the production of adequate functional fabric and the aesthetic and economic at the same time are with the invention. some laboratory tests conducted on fabrics is produced (Tensile strength, Elongation ratio, Weight loss as a result of friction, fabrics Stiffness, Resistant of Tearing, Weight per square meter) in laboratories, National Research Centre, Dokki– Cairo. A questionnaire designed was presented to a group of specialists in the field of Clothing and Textiles to determine the appropriateness of both materials, structure, threaded colors, clothes density, intensity aesthetic appearance, texture, decorative effects).                                                                
The main results were as follow:-                                             
- Made clothing fabrics for ladies produced from different materials leftover yarns of the degree of acceptance and success in the light of the average assessment of arbitrators to the first axis of evaluation and design elements ranging between quality assessment (95,83% and for sample(2), 97,78% and for sample number(4) and it is high ratio).                                                                                                    
 -Made clothing fabrics for ladies produced from different materials leftover yarns of the degree of acceptance and success in the light of the average assessment of arbitrators to the second theme of the evaluation, it found design quality rating ranging between (96,25% and for sample(2) 97,92% and for the sample no. (5) and it is high ratio).                                                                           
-Made clothing fabrics for ladies produced from different raw materials leftover threads of the degree of acceptance and success in the light of the average assessment of arbitrators to the third axis of evaluation and it is aesthetically ranging between quality assessment (95,67%, for sample (2), 97% and for sample number (4) and it is high ratio).                                                                                
-Made clothing fabrics for ladies produced from different materials leftover threads of the degree of acceptance and success in the light of the average assessment of arbitrators for the fourth axis of the evaluation and is functionally ranging between quality assessment (95,67%, for sample (2), 97, 33% and for sample number(4) and it is high ratio).                                                                     
Axis can be arranged in the light of the average ratings of the arbitrators as follows: Design elements, functional , aesthetic and design principles.                   
- The first sample has a higher Tensile strength and resistance to Tearing and the    highest percentage of Weight loss as a result of Friction while the fifth sample     gave less Tensile strength and resistance to Tearing and lowest weight loss due Friction.                                                                                                                      
- Had the fourth highest percentage of sample Elongation while the third and the fifth sample achieved the lowest Elongation.                                                          
-Achieved the third highest sample Stiffness while the fourth sample less Stiffness.                                                                                                                  
-The first sample has a higher weight per square meter, while the fourth sample less weight per square meter.                                                                                   
- Best sample no. (1) and lower sample no. (5) of the Out wear ladies clothing fabrics produced from leftover strands of different materials in the light of the results of natural and mechanical tests.                                                                     
- A Correlation was Found between the arbitrators to order samples and arrange them in the light of the results of natural and mechanical tests.  




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Amal Ahmed Mohamed

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Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science (Rural Home Economics Division) - Faculty of Agriculture - Zagazig University









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Alexandria Science Exchange Journal

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Take Advantage of Leftover Yarns of Different Materials in Factories to Produce out Wear Clothing For Ladies Achieve the Aesthetic Appearance and the Functional Performance




Created At

22 Jan 2023