The present study carried out at Giza Agricultural Research Station, Giza, Egypt during 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 seasons. Five sugarcane genotypes (G.T.54-9, G.84-47, G.74–96, G.98-28 and G.98-24) conducted for estimating the broad sense heritability, genetic, environmental and phenotypic variances for yield, yield components and some quality characteristics. The obtained results showed that G.98-28 genotype gave the highest value of stalk diameter, while G.84-47 genotype surpassed the other four genotypes in the number of millable cane/m2, millable cane length, cane and sugar yields/fed in both seasons as well as Brix, sucrose, and sugar recovery percentage in second season. Meanwhile, genotype G.98-24 recorded the highest values of Brix, sucrose, and sugar recovery percentage in 1st season. Broad sense heritability was found to be ranged from 91.1% for cane yield and millable cane diameter to 59.4 % for number of millable cane. The results revealed that the broad sense heritability shown to be high. The genetic variance ranged from 0.2 for millable cane diameter to 82.91 for millable cane highest. The genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV %) for the studied characteristics ranged from 3.84 calculated for millable cane highest to 28.67 for sugar yield. The phenotypic coefficient of variations (PCV %) ranged from 4.72 % for millable cane highest to 31.8 for sugar yield. Therefore, the improvement of breeding program for high number of millable canes, cane yield and sugar yield will be more effective than that for increasing cane yield. The present study suggests that sugar cane genotype improvement will have genetic advance in number of millable canes, cane yield and sugar yield than that cane yield.