The main objective of the study was identifying false beliefs of rural women in five areas of family life in a village, Gharbia Governorate.
Nawag village, Gharbia Governorate was chosen for field study A systematic random sample of rural women was selected – It was 216 respondents.
Data were collected by personal interview.
Frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations, T– Test, Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression were used to analyze data.
The main findings of the study may be summarized as follows:
1- level of faith of false beliefs of respondents was high or medium for each nutrition, envy, marriage, mother and child eare and for all areas. It was 95% , 80% , 50% , 60% , and 83%.
2-There were significant positive bivariate relationships between faith of false beliefs in each area of the five studied areas and the total areas and each of age, in formal social participation and leadership. But the relationships were negative between the dependent variables and each of level of education Urban contact, mass media exposures level of living, and level of aspiration.
3-There were significant differencies between respondents in faith of false beliefs in each area of the five areas studied and the total areas when they were classified according to marital status, work status and occupation. But when they were classified according to family type there were significant differencies between respondents in nutrition and marriage areas only.
4- Level of education made significant contribution in explaining the variance in the dependent variable in three areas and total areas. Age made significant contributions in explaining the variance in the dependent variables in three areas only Marital status made significant contributions in explaining the variance in the dependent variable in tow area and total areas. Each of occupation, urban contact, in formal Social participation and community made significant contributions in explaining the variance in the dependent variable in one area only and total areas.
Each work status, mass media exposure and leadership made significant contributions in explaining one area only.