Two field experiments were carried out at the Experimental Station Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Damanhour University, El-Bostan Region, El-Behera Governorate, Egypt, during 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 winter growing seasons. This study aimed to invest?tigate the effect of four Egyptian wheat cultivars (Giza 168, Sakha 94, Gemmiza 9 and Sids 1), as well as six intercropping patterns of wheat with faba bean on wheat productivity under sandy soil conditions. The six intercropping patterns were: solid sowing of wheat at the three seeding rates, 300,350 and 400 grains m-2 and/or intercropped with Sakha1 faba bean cultivar by (1:1) alternate rows, 20 cm apart. A split-plot design with four replications was used in each experiment. The wheat cultivars occupied the main plots while, the intercropping patterns were arranged in the sub-plots. The most important obtained results can be summarized as follows: Wheat cultivars were significantly different in most studied traits, except for plant height, biological yield ha-1, straw yield ha-1 and harvest index (%) traits, in both seasons. Giza 168 cultivar surpassed the other three studied cultivars in grain yield ha-1 and its components in terms of spike length (cm), number of grains spike-1, number of spikes m-2and 1000-grain weight (g), in both studied seasons. The solid plantings of wheat had the highest significant means of grain yield ha-1 and its studied components in terms of spike length (cm), number of spikelets spike-1, number grains spike-1, number of spikes m-2, biological yield ha-1, straw yield ha-1 and 1000- kernel weight (g), in both seasons, compared to intercropping treatments. Planting wheat solely at the low seeding rate; i.e., 300 grains m-2 was significantly different compared with the sole wheat plantings, seeded with the higher rates; i.e., 350 plus 400 grains m-2 for most studied traits, in both seasons, except for spike length, biological yield (in the second season), number of grains spike-1, number of spikes m-2, straw yield ha-1, harvest index (%) and 1000-grain weight (g), in both seasons. On the contrary, plant height character of solid wheat plants (in both seasons) was significantly decreased under the low seeding rate, 300 grains m-2, compared to wheat solid planting, but, seeded wheat with the higher seeding rates; i.e., 350 plus 400 grains m-2. All studied traits were not significantly affected (in both seasons) by increasing seeding rates for solid wheat plantings from 350 to 400 grains m-2, except for the number of grains spike-1 that was significantly decreased from 32.28 to 30.38, averaged in both seasons. Intercropped wheat, with faba bean by planting wheat at a seed rate of 300 grains m-2 significantly increased both spike length, from 10.42 to 11.14 cm, and number of spikelets spike-1, from 12.44 to 14.17, averaged in the two studied seasons, compared with intercropped wheat with faba bean, but, seeded wheat with the higher seeding rates; i.e., 350 plus 400 grains m-2. Regarding the other studied traits, they were statistically similar in both seasons for both treatments. Intercropped wheat with faba bean by seeded wheat with 400 grains m-2 insignificantly decreased all studied traits in both seasons, except for both plant height and harvest index, compared with intercropped wheat with faba bean by seeding wheat with 350 grains m-2. A significant interaction was detected between wheat cultivars and intercropping patterns (VxC1) for the number of spikelets spike-1 and grain yield ha-1 in the first season. Intercropping Sakha 1 faba bean cultivar at 166667 plants ha-1 with Giza 168 wheat cultivar seeded with the rate of 350 grains m-2 in (1:1) alternate rows, 20 cm apart, under El-Bostan Region conditions, could be advised to obtain a high productivity of wheat.