This study aims to: determine the performance of the respondents regarding the research, the extension agents and the peasants, exploring the factors that determinate this dependent variable, and as well as identify the current and the expected role of the center of agricultural research, seeking opportunities for enhancing this role. Data were collected by using personal interview pre-tested questionnaire during April 2013, Arithmetic mean, standard deviation, also multiple correlation and regression analysis were used to analyze data statistically, in addition to frequencies and percentages.
The main results of this study revealed that:
1- Almost half of the respondents %44, 83 were come in low category concerning the performance level of their role. There were four independent variables significantly affected the respondents performance level and explained together (%43,6) from its variation which were ranged decreasingly: "number of conducted researches,"" the contribution of the research in problem solving,""offering activities to the peasants,"" the degree of performing the current activities of the center."
2- From half to two third of the respondents tend to focus on three activities as their extensional and educational role,: " conducting applied research in relation to local problems, 66.67%"," getting in to applied settings and offer advice through short visits,52.87 %", "Producing and distributing pertinent audio visuals and extension like materials, 51.72 %. All of other activities constituting the center of agricultural research extension role were viewed by more than half to three quarter of the respondents either as being performed unsatisfactorily or not being performed at all.
3- There is a general tendency to rate all activities higher in terms of their importance. Those rated considerably higher by respondents include "Getting into applied settings and offer advice through short visits" 98.85%," "Cooperating with concerned groups and organizations in designing rural development programs" 97. 70%".
4- The results suggest that the researchers feel the need to strengthen the extension role of the center of agricultural research through training peasants and their trainers in sustainable agriculture, cultivating Timber Trees, more emphasis on practical aspects and field visits and Representing agricultural extension, research and training in one unit on village level as a mechanism of institutional attachment and integrated behavior.