The study objective is the estimation of the food security coefficient for red meat and its strategic stock assessment through examining the current status of the production, imports and consumption during the period 2000-2014.
The main conclusions of the study are : (1) the strategic stock for red meat amounts to 79 thousand tons, which is enough to cover the local consumption for 26.5 days, (2) the food security coefficient for red meat amounts to 0.08 during the period 2000-2014, (3) the period in which local red meat production local consumption decreased from 275.5 days to 234 days in 2014, (4) however the period in which red meat imports cover local consumption increased from 89 days in 2000 to 118 days in 2014, which has a negative effect on food security coefficient for red meat, (5) the main determinants of the coefficient of food security red meat production and consumption, a 1% change in red meat production and imports lead to a change in the same direction in the food security coefficient amounting to 0.34%& 0.12% for each on respectively. however a 1% change in the red meat consumption lead to a negative change in the coefficient of food security for red meat amounting to 0.46%, (6) the red meat self sufficiency ratio is decreased at a rate amounting to 1.3%.
The study recommends that the strategic stock should be increased to at least 6 month period and the coefficient of food security for red meat should be increased to 0.5, through vertical and horizontal development of red meat production.