Wheat is one of the major food crops in Egypt and represents the biggest planting areas for the rest of the agricultural crops in the old or new lands, but the production is not enough to cope with rapid population growth may be due to non-optimal use of factors of production used in the production of wheat, so research aimed at measuring the efficiency of resource use used in wheat production by comparing the economic efficiency of it in the old and new land in order to make the most of those resources to take advantage of the increase in production of wheat, and to identify the amount of wasteful in these resources.
Keywords: Economic Ffficiency, Robust Regression, old and new lands.
The important results are:
1- The cultivated area of wheat account for about 37.2%, 24.6% respectively of the total cultivated area, as the value of its production accounts for about 7.1%, 42.3% of the total value of agricultural production, which indicates the extent of the wheat contribution in increasing agricultural production, especially cultivated in the new land, which It has a significant role in increasing production during the study period.
2- Estimating wheat production functions using OLS method in the old lands show that inputs of human labor and pesticides, is located in the third production stage and must work to rationalize the use of these inputs, while in the new lands inputs of Machinery of production is located in the first stage and must work on the concentration of component output to the Economic stage.
3- Using the estimated production function using Robust Regression method to estimated economic efficiency of inputs of production, which was less than the one in the old lands and New, suggesting that the output value of marginal minimum price input, meaning that there extravagance in the use of these inputs must work to rationalize their use.
4- The economic efficiency estimated using DEA analysis is about 93%, 87% in the old and new lands and that there is an opportunity to increase efficiency by 7%, 13%, suggesting that old land is still more efficiently than new in wheat production, as demonstrated by the presence of extravagance in production inputs used in the production of wheat the amount used of human labour, machinery labour, seeds, manure, fertilizers and pesticides was more than optimum by 37.20, 7.7, 25.5 pounds, in the old lands, while it reached in the new lands, 61.46, 50.54, 49.47 pounds.
Find it recommended the need to work to rationalize wasteful production inputs used in wheat production by selecting the appropriate quantities and types and that contribute to the increase in production, both in the old lands or new.