The main objective of this research is studying production, marketing and manufacturing artichokes crop, This objective includes the following sub-goals :
- Study aspects related to the production of artichokes in terms of production costs and the profits made by farmers.
- Identify the production and marketing problems for Artichokes crop.
- Identify the functions and marketing services performed by marketing intermediaries of artichoke crop, and measure marketing costs, marketing margins and profits of these intermediaries.
- Identify the most important methods of manufacturing artichoke and the most important foreign markets for it and the requirements for each market of it.
The study show that the productivity of artichoke reached about 26500, 25367 Nora/feddan in case of Self-financing and debt financing, respectively. And the weighted average price of Nora artichoke amounted to about 0.74, 0.62 pounds, respectively. The net return per feddan was about 8282, 11837 pound in case of Self-financing and debt financing, respectively.
The results of the study indicate that the profit margin of the brokers who work between farmers and the first manufacturing places of the artichoke Amounted to 0.11 pound/nora. Also I show that the profit margin of the first stage of the artichoke manufacturing reached about 0.33 pounds/ nora of fresh artichoke, 0.27 pounds /nora made in the form of cups, 0.25 pounds /nora made in the form of cut, 0.29 pounds / nora made in disk form.