The central purpose of this study was to identify the critical factors and variables which playing an important role in the transfer of training by faculty members and teaching and research assistants of the Faculty of Agriculture of Alexandria University. The specific objectives were to: (1) Determine to what extent the respondents agree about the selected statements related to their transfer of knowledge and skills included in the offered training programs to the Faculty of Agriculture while conducting their work duties. (2) Determine the critical factors and variables affecting the training transfer process by using the factor analysis method. The necessary data were collected from a systematic random sample by using an objective type questionnaire on April, May, and June 2015 through interviewing 150 respondents, representing 65% of the total faculty members and teaching and research assistants who attended training programs. The statistical analysis of data was accomplished by using percentages, range, arithmetic means, standard deviation, and factor analysis method. The findings indicated clearly that 32.9% and 34.5% of the respondents were agreed and disagreed, respectively, about the selected training transfer statements. This apparently reflects a greater attention should be given to find out practical approaches which allow for increased opportunities for more effective and appropriate transfer of training. Factor analysis pointed out that two factors could explain 64.03% of the total variance, namely: technical and psychological support of training programs and work environment support.