The goal of this study was to boost Barley plant production under salinity conditions through the use of phosphates solubilizing bacteria (PSB), and nano phosphozink. When phosphates solubilizing were applied to bacteria (PSB), yields increased when compared to the control. In comparison to the control, foliar application of Nano phosphozink fertilizer resulted in a much larger improvement in yield characteristics of Barley. With Acinetobacter baumannii, the most successful treatment was 200ppm Nano phosphozink. Similar impacts were found in elements, with considerably higher increases in N, P, K, and Zn concentrations in barley grains compared to control, as well as in soil P content compared to control. Zink is critical in saline circumstances. Brevundimonasolei and Acinetobacter baumannii are plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and phosphates solubilizing that promote plant growth. They produce organic acids. When compared with the control, the treatments of 50ppm Nano+ Brevundimonas olei and 100ppm Nano phosphozink + Acinetobacter baumannii yielded the best results in total microbial counts. When compared to control, utilising 50ppm of nano phosphozink + Acinetobacter baumannii and 50ppm of nano phosphozink + Brevundimonas olei improved nitrogen fixer outcomes. Employing 50ppm of nano phosphozink + Acinetobacter baumannii, the outcomes of phosphate dissolving bacteria (PDB) were improved when compared to the control. Both strains produced the acidic and alkaline phosphatase enzymes in a positive manner. Dehydrogenase enzyme therapy with 50ppm + Brevundimonas olei and 100ppm nano phosphozink + Acinetobacter baumannii produced excellent results. Many more investigations on the consequences of nanoparticles and their accumulation in soil, microbes, the environment, and humans are needed in the future.