THE MAIN goal of this study is to assess the land spatial variability …. and evaluate soils of 127.29 Km2 for irrigated agriculture in the new reclamation area, El-Tina Plain, Egypt. The detailed objectives of this research are: to assess the land spatial variability using GIS modeling, to evaluate the main soil units using proposed system integrated with GIS and to identify the main limitation factors in the study area. A field survey was carried out to characterize each land unit. Eighteen soil profiles were dug in the field, morphologically described and sampled for laboratory analyses. The soils in the study area were classified as; Typic Aquisalids, Typic Torriorthents and Typic Torripsamments. The capability process was done using a modified local system and GIS modeling. The utilized evaluation system was developed based on the mathematical modeling of different land evaluation parameters (soil physical, chemical and irrigation water quality). Interpolation of different soil characteristics was done to create different soil maps. The final capability map was created through the overlaying process using the interpolated maps. The study area was classified as 80.6 % belongs to S3 (Marginally Suitable Soils) class, 12.3% fits in S2 class (Moderately suitable) and 7.1% belongs to N1 class (Actually unsuitable and potentially suitable). Soil salinity, hydraulic conductivity and profile depth were considered the main restrictive factors for crop suitability in the study area.