Relat ionship between sowing method, weed control and crop yield is a complex relationships. Hence, adopting satisfactory and most compatible and effective combination of weed control and sowing methods is a foundational element of sustainability and long-term profitability. The current study aimed to evaluate the effect of sowing methods of linseed plants (Linum usitatissimum L.) and some weed control treatment. Field experiments were conducted in 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 seasons and the study was laid out in a split plot design with four replications in RCBD. Treatments included two sowing methods (broadcast and drill) were allocated in the main plots and seven weed control viz., T1- Unweeded (check control), T2- Brominal 500cm3/fad was applied after three week from planting, T3- Granstar (6g/fad), T4- Fusilade supper (500cm3/fad), T5- Brominal (500cm3/fad) + Fusilade supper (500cm3/fad), T6- Granstar (6g/fad) + Fusilade supper (500cm3/fad) and T7- Hand weeding twice. Results indicated that significant differences among sowing methods in all traits. Broadcast method surpassed the all treatments and highest values in term of stem diameter whereas; drill methods recorded the highest values of the remaining characters. Drill methods recorded the highest values for the other characters. Concering weed control treatments, significant differences were observed among treatments. Treatment T1 recorded the highest values for Fiber percentage and lowest of straw yield/plant and seed yield. Treatment T4 recorded the greatest values for Technical length, stem diameter, seed index and fiber yield. Treatment T6 recorded the highest
values for dry weight of linseed plant, plant height, straw yield/plant.