TWO FIELD trials were conducted at the Agricultural Experiment Station, Faculty of Agriculture Ain Shams University, Kalubia, Egypt during 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 growing seasons to investigate the response of wheat to nitrogen fertilizer rates under different planting methods. Each experiment contained twelve treatments which were the combination of four planting methods (broadcasting (conventional tilled flat method), rows (20cm apart), ridge (ridge width 60 cm) and bed (bed width 120 cm)) and three nitrogen fertilizer rates (60, 80 and 100 kg Nitrogen/ fad (faddan = 4200 m2)). Design of experiments was split plot design with three replications where planting methods in the main plot and nitrogen rates in the sub plots. Data indicated that applying 100 kg N/fad gave the highest yield attributes, which reflected its yield parameters and produced significant maximum grain yield (3421.6 kg/fad) followed by 80 kg N/fad (3158.0 kg/fad) and 60 kg N/fad (2574.9 kg/fad). Applied 100 kg N scored maximal test weight, 1000 grain weight, vitreosness, wet and dry gluten. Highest number of grains per main spike was obtained when crop was sown on raised bed (68.33 grain/main spike) versus the minimal value in case of sowing broadcasting (58.78 grain/main spike). In addition, all studied yield parameters gave the highest valuses due to sowing on raised bed than others planting methods. Grain, straw and biological yields were at maximal values when wheat plants sown on raised bed being 3334.0, 5175.6 and 8487.4 kg/fad, respectively. On other hand, vitreosness, wet and dry gluten scored the highest values when wheat plants were sown in broadcasting. Meanwhile, the application of 80 kg N/fad exhibited maximum values of main spike weight (6.08 g) and grains No of main spike (72.33 grains/main spike) with sowing wheat plants on raised bed. Grain yield was at the maximal values (3604.0 kg/fad) when wheat plants were sown on raised bed with application of 80 kg N/fad. Test weight, 1000-grain weight, and dry gluten were significantly varied among nitrogen fertilizer rates and sowing methods.