THE PRESENT study was carried out in the Experimental Farm, Ghazala Village, Fac. Agric., Zagazig Univ., El-Sharkia Governorate, Egypt, during two successive seasons 2014 and 2015 seasons. Aim of this study find out the effect of four weed control treatments (unweeded, hand hoeing twice, Harness herbicide + hand hoeing once and Harness herbicide) and two planting densities of 24000 and 34000 plants/ fadon growth, yield and yield components of maize (Zea mays L.) (S.C. 178 yellow). According to obtained results, weed control treatments applied recorded at par higher averages of growth attributes of maize i.e. plant height (cm), number of leaves/ plant (No.), leaves area/ plant (cm2), leaf area index (LAI), leaves dry weight (g) and chlorophyll content (SPAD) than un-weeded one. Also, weed control treatments had significant effects on most yield and yield components due to any weeding treatments which had at par higher averages than the un-weeded control. Planting density had no significant effect on most growth attributes of maize except plant height, the number of above green leaves per plant, and LAI due to the increase of planting density from 24000 to 34000 plants/ fad. Densely planting (34000 plants/ fad) had significant effects on most yield and yield components except ear length (cm), the number of grains/ row (No.), the number of row/ ear (No.) and harvest index (HI) while, the number of ears per plant No.) was decreased. The interaction between factors had significant effects on most growth and some yield components. Application of weed control treatments was effective in depressing the competition of weeds to maize plants and hence growth and yield components of maize were improved.