IELD stability is one of the most important needs in sustainable agriculture. The ideal sunflower(Helianthus annuus L.) genotype would produce high yields when water supply is abundant and should have only small reduction in yields under water stress condition. The use of methods that integrate yield performance and stability to select superior genotypes becomes prerequisite.Phenotypic, genotypic and AMMI stability parameters were computed for seed yield and oil content of twelve sunflower genotypes under six diverse applications (the combination between three water regimes and two seasons). Phenotypic stability parameters indicated that the most desired and stable sunflower genotypes were L20, L235 and L460 for seed yield/fed as well as L20, L350, Giza 102 and Sakha 53 for seed oil content (%). Genotypic stability estimates revealed that the most average stable genotypes were L20 for seed yield (t/fed) and L350, L770, Giza 102 and Sakha 53 for seed oil content (%). According, to AMMI stability, the most stable sunflower genotype was L20, L235 and L460 for seed yield (t/fed) as well as L235, L350 and Giza 102 for seed oil content.Strong agreement was found between Eberhart and Russell, Tai and AMMI statistics for measuring stability parameters for seed yield (t/fed) and seed oil content (%) in almost sunflower genotypes.