TWO FIELD experiments were conducted at El-Noubaria Province, …...El Behara Governorate, Egypt during the two successive winter seasons of 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 to study the effect of some organic fertilization treatments (compost, animal dung and EM bokashi) and biological fertilization treatments {EM1, Mycorrhiza, Rhizobium in addition to the combination of (EM1, Mycorrhiza and Rhizobium)}and their interactions on damping-off and root-rot diseases reduction in addition to enhancement of faba bean growth and productivity under field conditions.
The organic fertilization treatments stimulated broad bean resistance to soil-borne diseases, therefore enhanced significantly broad bean growth, yield & its attributes and chemical composition. EM bokashi, compost and animal dung surpassed the control treatment in all the studied characters. Higher significant observations were obtained from EM bokashi followed by compost and animal dung, respectively.
Applying the biological fertilization treatments decreased significantly faba bean damping off percentage and root rot incidence as well as disease severity. Consequently, increased all broad bean studied growth characters, yield and its attributes as well as its chemical composition. The higher significant observations were obtained from the combination of EM1+Mycorrhiza+Rhizobium, followed EM1, Rhizobium and Mycorrhiza, respectively.
With regard to the effect of the interaction between the organic and the biological fertilization treatments; results illustrated that all the studied growth characters, yield and its attributes, and chemical composition were increased due to the stimulation of broad bean resistance to soil-borne diseases. The uttermost values obtained from the interaction between EM bokashi× (EM1+ Mycorrhiza+ Rhizobium), followed by EM bokasi× EM1, Rhizobium then Mycorrhiza respectively. The lowermost value was obtained from control× Mycorrhiza.