Sulayman, Muhammad S. , Hanna, Sameh A. , Badawi, Hesham A.
Abdel-Masih, Vivyan Fakhri
2017-03-30 06:21:27
2017-03-30 06:21:27
M.Sc. Thesis
Virtual endoscopy is one of the most recent innovations in the spectrum of post processing techniques. The aim of study is to determine the diagnostic potential of CT cystoscopy in evaluation of bladder masses compared to the results of the standard conventional cystoscopy . 25 patients with bladder cancer were selected ; they were all subjected to virtual and real cystoscopy. Virtual studies and pictures were constructed from cross-sectional images obtained from spiral CT examinatio of the bladder, on a separate work-station using a special software . A satisfactory overview of the bladder was obtained in the majority of the cases and the results of the virtual and conventional cystoscopy were comparable