80 subjects were selected for this study, 65 of them were patients of Liver Cirrhosis (43 males & 22 females) and 15 of them were normal individuals used as a control group (11 males & 4 females) all the 80 subjects were subjected to the following:1.Full clinical assessment which included detailed history and through examination.2.Biochemical Liver Profile (S.bilirubin, ALT, AST, total protein, S.Albumin, ALP, GGT and Prothrombin time and concentration).3.Kidney profile (Complete urine analysis, S. Creatinine, Blood Urea, S. Na, K, Ca, P and Creatinine clearance).4.Abdominal Ultrasonography was done to confirm Liver Cirrhosis, Presence or absence of ascites and to exclude any previous kidney disease.5.Estimation of Plasma level of PGE2. The results obtained from this study showed that:-In early cirrhosis the kidney function were not severely deranged except for the elevation of Prostaglandin E2 plasma level.-When ascites developed in Cirrhotic patients, the kidney function were found to be obviously deranged as PGE2 levels were furtherly elevated more than their levels in compensated cirrhosis and also there was a defect in Sodium and Water handling by the kidney. -Establishment of hepatorenal syndrome was shown to furtherly deteriorate the renal functions and PGE2 levels were found to be decreased below their levels in cases of liver cirrhosis with and without ascites. -We concluded a sensitive predictive formula differentiating cases of Child C class with and without hepatorenal syndrome in the from of :PGE2 level X 0.713 + Na level X 0.443 – Creatinine level X 0.647 – sex score (1 for male, 2 for female).Figure compared to: Positive score = Child C without HRS.Negative score = Child C with HRS.