Low vision is a major handicapping problem that have a great impact on educational as well as social life of children and adolescent. It also affects mental and motor development specially in these critical years of life.Early diagnosis, careful assessment and successful management of low vision is of great value in minimizing the impact of this problem, and it can maximize the usefulness of any residual vision.This study was conducted for 50 patients whom age ranges between 5-15who met the international criteria for low vision diagnosis.Low vision assessment was done including visual acuity assessment for both far and near, assessment of color vision, contrast sensitivity function, field of vision, flouresciene angiography, and electrophysiological evaluation.Low vision aids were prescribed according to the data collected from the initial evaluation and the patient's visual needs, patients were followed for one year using the same initial tests and a visual function assessment questionnaire.This study concluded that low vision aids are very helpful for helping visually impaired children to be socially and educationally well integrated.