
Quality of life and causes of renal failure among chronic renal failure patients in Cairo University Hospitals


Last updated: 06 Feb 2023




Public Health


Afifi, Naffousa A. , El-Ghurouri, Layla M. , Saadi, Muhammad G.


Abdel-Fattah, Shaymaa Aly


2017-04-26 12:34:26


2017-04-26 12:34:26


M.Sc. Thesis


Over the last two decades and in view of the increasing number of (ESRF ) patientsrequiring renal replacement therapy (RRT) every year worldwide, attention has focused onmeeting the health care needs of these patients.This is across sectional descriptive study designed to describe the quality of life of chronicrenal failure patients. 240 Patients with chronic renal failure attending Nephrology units forin Cairo University Hospitals. Kidney Disease Quality of Life-short form questionnaire(KDQoL SFTM ) version1.3 is usedas a measurement model. Results in the current study showed that most of dialysis patients lies within old age groups, Unlike transplant patients which lies within young age groups also (79.6%) of all thestudied cases were married and regarding special habits(28.5%) of dialysis cases aresmokers compared to (5.0%)of transplant cases. The commonest three diseases amongchronic renal failure patients were Chronic renal infection (94.6%) followed by ,Hypertension(90%) and finally Diabetes(61.7%)N.B.: Many patients had more than one disease simultaneously .The most affected aspects ofquality of life were The work status was in the first place as the most badly affected aspect of life with a lowscore mean <25%. The factors that significantly affected the health related quality of life were:Age : is a very important factor affecting quality of life since the impaired quality of life ismostly seen in elderly patients.Duration of the renal failure: There is inversely proportional relation between the duration offailure the and the quality of life which means the more the duration of failure ,the less thequality of life .Presence of other chronic diseases : The study revealed that diseases like diabetes,hypertension and Chronic renal infection negatively affects the patient’s conditionexample :There is inversely proportional relation between Chronic renal infection and thequality of lifeResults revealed that there were statistically significant differences between the dialysis andtransplant cases in most aspects of life (p value <0.05). The type of replacement therapy isvery important since in all aspects of quality of life , the transplant patients gained betterscore than the dialysis cases.


1 Jan 2009





Created At

31 Jan 2023