The aim of the study To validate "ADOPT" a new surgical classification system for endometriosis associated infertility. Patients and methods 100 infertile patients aged 18-35 years who were planned to undergo laparoscopy and diagnosed endometriosis during it and evaluated using our ADOPT classification and rASRM classification. Clinical assessment, laboratory investigations, imaging of the patients were collected. Main Outcomes: validation of prediction and description of the ADOPT classification and correlation between its stages and the clinical pregnancy in comparison with the rASRM classification.Results: ADOPT was found to be more descriptive and more predictive of clinical spontaneous pregnancy than rASRM classification. According to rASRM classification ( 18,11,31,40 ) cases were stages (I, II, III, IV) of which ( 16.7%, 18.2%, 19.4%, 12.5%) achieved clinical pregnancy respectively, while according to our new classification, ( 12,12,54,22) cases were stages (I,II,III,IV), of which (58.3%, 50%,5.6%, 0 ) achieved clinical pregnancy respectively.SensitivitySpecificityPPVNPVAccuracyASRM31.3%71.4%17.2%84.5%65.0%PPV= positive predictive value, NPV= negative predictive valueSensitivitySpecificityPPVNPVAccuracyADOPT81.3%86.9%54.2%96.1%86.0%PPV= positive predictive value, NPV= negative predictive valueConclusions: ADOPT classification was found that is a simple easy surgical classification for assist laparoscopic surgeons in evaluation of severity of endometriosis-associated infertility.