Sayed, Muhammad H. , Fawwaz, Lubna M. , Aumar, Dina S.
Muhammad, Ranya Sami
2017-04-26 12:33:11
2017-04-26 12:33:11
M.Sc. Thesis
This study was carried out to assess mother's knowledge,attitudes and practices concerning the vaccination program andits impact on achieving the presumed goals; however the resultsof the study may be limited due to the fact that it was carried on agroup of mothers who were already seeking medical care. Resultsshowed a favorable attitude towards children immunization inmothers and that the mothers attending health care facilities arewell informed about obligatory as well as additional vaccineswith only small percentage of mothers having concerns regardingthe safety and efficacy of vaccines. Parent's education was foundto be the most important factor affecting the efficacy of thevaccination program.