
The effect of inhaled corticosteroid therapy on plasma macrophage- derived chemokine (MDC) levels in school-age asthmatic children


Last updated: 06 Feb 2023






Mussttafa, Nadya A., Abdel-Hamid, Einas R., El-Baz, Muhammad S.


Haridi, Walaa Hani


2017-04-26 11:23:33


2017-04-26 11:23:33


M.Sc. Thesis


MDC is a CC chemokine that acts on its CCR4 receptor to direct recruitment of Th2 cells into sites of allergic inflammation. This is a prospective, randomized,open study aimed to study the plasma level of MDC in asthmatic children in comparison to healthy controls and to study the effect of inhaled corticosteroids on the level of plasma MDC after 2 months of therapy; in correlation with total serum IgE, absolute eosinophilic count and spirometric parameters. For this purpose, twenty five children with mild to moderate persistent asthma aged from 7 to 13 years were recruited from Pulmonology and Allergy clinic of Specialized Children Hospital, Cairo University, and studied in compassion to twenty five non- atopic, non-asthmatic children. Plasma MDC levels were significantly higher in asthmatic children (666.85 ± 99.11 pg/ml) than in controls (322.58 ± 62..53 pg/ml) ,p-value <0.001. Plasma MDC concentrations were significantly higher in asthmatic children before start of ICS therapy (666.85 ± 95.11 pg/ml) than after 8 weeks of daily ICS therapy (485.04 ± 91.91 pg/ml) in the same children ,p-value <0.001. Mean values of Spirometric parameters showed significant improvement in asthmatic children after 8 weeks of ICS therapy[the mean value of FVC showed a significant increase from 91.916 ± 14.73 to 97.78 ± 16.38 ,p-value<0.001 , the mean value of FEV1 increased form 90.94 ± 19.88 to 97.14 ± 20.97,p-value 0.002 , the mean value of FEV1/FVC increased from 99.36 ± 14.60 to 104.64 ±12.67,p-value <0.001 , the mean value of PEF increased from 71.52 ± 18.02 to 86.34 ± 24.89,p-value 0.001 ,and the mean value of FEF 25-75% increased from 57.95 ± 26.31 to 81.98 ± 33.77 ,p-value <0.001]. Non-significant correlations were found between plasma MDC level and other parameters included in the study (AEC, total serum IgE, FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC, PEF and FEF25-75%). These findings imply that plasma MDC level is directly associated with diagnosis of asthma. Therefore, plasma MDC level could be used as a biomarker to identify and monitor asthma. Inhaled corticosteroids reduce airway inflammation and, in so doing normalize airway function and improve asthma control.


1 Jan 2009





Created At

28 Jan 2023