Between May 2007 and November 2011, 255 patients affected by severesymptomatic AS or aortic bioprosthetic dysfunction and referred to ourdepartment for AVR were considered for TAVI because of high surgical risk orinoperability criteria.Clinical and echocardiographic follow-up was data were collectedat 1, 3, 6, and 12 months. The clinical follow-up events included death from allcauses, cardiac death (including all unexplained deaths), acute myocardialinfarction, stroke, cardiac heart failure requiring hospitalization, and PPMimplantation. Functional status was evaluated according to New York HeartAssociatioPatients with different grades of mitral regurgitation have noincrease in the risk ratio of mortality after 1 year of TAVI (P > 0.05). Aspatients with more sever mitral regurgitation had almost the same risk ofmortality as patients with less severe degree of mitral regurgitation.