Background: Facial acne scarring has been treated with multiple methodswith varying degrees of improvement. Although acne scars are recalcitrant tomany therapeutic interventions, subcision is a technique that had been reportedto provide significant long-term improvement in treating rolling acne scars.100%TCA CROSS also had appeared to be valuable in treating atrophic acnescars.Objective: To compare the efficacy of 100%TCA CROSS method andsubcision as different therapeutic modalities in treatment of rolling acne scars.Methods: Twenty patients with facial rolling acne scars were treated with100%TCA CROSS on left side of the face and subcision on right side. Theyreceived 1-3 sessions at intervals ranging from 1-4 months and were followedup for up to 10 months.Results: Subcision showed better response regarding improvement of sizeand depth in comparison to 100%TCA CROSS which was statisticallysignificant, (p<0.001) and (p=0.001) respectively. Mean percentage ofimprovement according to blinded physicians was 81% for subcision side and64% for 100%TCA CROSS side. Mean percentage of improvement accordingto patients was 81% for subcision side and 69% for 100%TCA CROSS side.Minimal, transient side effects occurred in both techniques with slightly higherfrequency on TCA side.Conclusion: Both subcision and 100%TCA CROSS can improve theappearance of facial rolling acne scars; however subcision was found to besuperior in its results with fewer side effects.