ThesisTrial of labour after primary cesarean section possibilities, complications and recommendations
ThesisTrial of labour after primary cesarean section possibilities, complications and recommendations
ThesisPrediction of failed labor induction in parous women at term in role of previous obstetric history, digital examination and sonographic measurement of cervical length
ThesisPrediction of failed labor induction in parous women at term in role of previous obstetric history, digital examination and sonographic measurement of cervical length
ThesisTransvaginal ultrasonographic cervical length and posterior cervical angle as predictors of successful labor induction
ThesisTransvaginal ultrasonographic cervical length and posterior cervical angle as predictors of successful labor induction
ThesisPrediction of uterine dehiscence by measuring lower uterine segment thickness by 3D transabdominal ultrasonography in patients with previous single cesarean section
ThesisPrediction of uterine dehiscence by measuring lower uterine segment thickness by 3D transabdominal ultrasonography in patients with previous single cesarean section