Objective : The present study was performed to study the role of bone scintigraphy in the assessment of articular involvement in patients with Behcet's disease. Correlation with disease activity, disease severity and clinical manifestations was performed. Patients and Methods : Twenty five Behcet's disease patients diagnosed according to the criteria published by the International Study Group for Behcet's Disease in 1990 were included in this work and were subjected to the following : Full history taking, clinical examination, routine laboratory tests including CBC, ESR, CRP and conventional radiological examination and bone scintigraphy in the radiodiagnosis and the nuclear medicine departments respectively, Cairo University Hospital. Skin pathergy test was performed. Results : Twelve of the 25 patients (48%) showed clinical joint involvement. Rheumatoid-like hand findings were observed in 2 (8%) of the patients. The most frequently involved site on bone scintigraphy was the wrist (100%) with the decreasing order of frequency as follows : MCPs (64%), PIPs (44%), DIPs (40%), knee (36%), ankle (20%), SIJ (16%) and shoulder, elbow, and MTPs had the same frequency (4%). All of our patients (100%) revealed hand scintigraphic involvement, 24% of them had mild score, 60% had moderate score and 16% had severe score. No significant correlation was found between age (r=0.295, p=0.666), disease duration (r=0.308, p=0.622), the different disease manifestations and clinical severity score and the hand bone scintigraphy. Conclusion : this study can conclude that bone scintigraphy can be a useful tool to determine the presence and site of articular involvement. Follow up of our patients to detect development of frank arthritis in patients with subclinical arthritis and further study on a larger number of patients is recommended for confirming the present results and showing the prevalence of articular involvement in Egyptian BD patients.