Hirschsprung's disease is a common cause of chronic constipation in infants and children. The treatment of Hirschsprung’s disease is surgical and consists of removal of the entire aganglionic bowel but the most distal part is conserved for continence purposes. In a study conducted at Cairo university Hospitals, 40 children proved to suffer from Hirschsprung's disease by rectal biopsy was subjected to laparoscopy which was used either for taking biopsies and define the level of transitional zone in 30 cases or to assist in endorectal pull through in 10 cases. From this study, laparoscopy was proved beneficial in many aspects in management of Hirschsprung's disease, allowing for visualization of transitional zone and following the procedure intra-abdominally; smoother and shorter hospital stay. The early results seems very favorable, but we recommend to continue this study for longer period of follow up and larger number of cases to achieve more accurate results about the role of laparoscope in diagnosis and management of Hirschsprung's disease.