The purpose of this prospective study was to evaluate the effect of Puerarin onbone regeneration in maxillary sinus augmentation. This study was conducted on 6patients with bilateral partial or complete edentulism in the premolar/molar area. Theywere indicated for bilateral sinus floor and augmentation. The cases were divided intotwo groups. The study group included the Puerarin injected on a resorbable Fisiograftcarrier. The control group included autogenous bone graft harvested from the chinbone. Clinical and radiographic examinations of the sinuses and implants, includingCone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) were performed. The CBCT was usedto assess the changes in bone height and density immediate postoperatively and after 6months time. After healing period of 6 months , histomorphometric analysis was madeto assess the quality of the newly formed bone in both study and control groups. Thestatistical analysis made for both the studied groups revealed that there was nosignificant difference in the change of bone height at the end of the 6 months period.(P=0.382) This was 188.3% as a mean in the percentage of bone gain for the controlgroup against 132.2% for the study group. The Statistical analysis made for the bonedensities for both groups showed no significant differences. It showed a P value of0.143 at immediate postoperative period. This was followed by a P value of 0.225after 6 months. The histomorphometric analysis of the bone core biopsies of bothgroups revealed that Unpaired two tailed t-test was implemented to compare the bonearea percent of the graft versus the autogenous group. There was no significantdifference between the two tested groups (p=0.1037). It was concluded that thatPuerarin induced bone in this anatomic site in 100% of the evaluable patients, whichhas been proven to be comparable to that of autologous Chin bone graft as well asnative bone in density.