علم أصول الفقه هو من أرفع العلوم قدراً وشأناً، وعليه تُبني الأحكام الشرعية ، التي هي مناط التكليف لكل العباد ، خاصة لو اقترن بالسُنة المطهرة ، التي تُعد المصدر الثاني للتشريع ، غير أن القرآن الكريم نُقل إلينا نقلاً متواتراً ، بخلاف السُنة فمنها المتواتر، ومنها الآحاد ، ومن الآحاد ما هو متفق علي قبوله وحجيته ، ومنه ما اتُفق علي رده وعدم حجيته، ومنه ماهومحل خلاف في العمل والحُجية ، ومن هذا القبيل الحديث المرسل ، فهو محل خلاف بين المحدثين ، والفقهاء ، والأصوليين ، فهو قسم من أقسام الحديث الضعيف ، إذ ينقسم الحديث من حيث الصحة والضعف إلي صحيح ، وحسن ، وضعيف، وللمرسل أنواع ، منها مرسل الصحابي ، وحجيته محل اتفاق من علماء الحديث ، والفقهاء، والأصوليين ،إلا من شذ منهم ، ومنه مرسل غير الصحابي ، سواءً كان من التابعين ، أو تابعي التابعين ، فهو محل خلاف بين العلماء مابين مؤيد ومعارض ، ولكل وجهته بالأدلة ، والشواهد التي تثبت صحة ما ذهب إليه ، والخلاف الذي نشأ بين العلماء مما لاشك فيه أنه قد بُنيت عليه أثار فقهية ، متصلة بالقواعد الأصولية ، التي هل محل الدراسة .
The science of the foundations of jurisprudence is one of the highest sciences in value and status, and based on it, the legal rulings are built, which are the basis of obligation for all servants, especially if it is combined with the pure Sunnah, which is considered the second source of legislation. However, the Holy Qur'an has been transmitted to us in frequent transmission, unlike the Sunnah، some of which are mutawatir, and some of them are ahad. Among the individual ones are those that are agreed upon to be accepted and valid, and among them are those that are agreed upon to be rejected and not valid. There is a third section that is subject to disagreement regarding its application and authenticity. Of this type is the mursal hadith. It is a subject of disagreement among the hadith scholars, jurists, and fundamentalists. They are one of the sections of the hadith. The weak, as the hadith is divided in terms of authenticity and weakness into authentic, hasan, and weak, and there are types of mursal, including the mursal of a companion, and its authenticity is subject to agreement among hadith scholars, jurists, and fundamentalists, except for those who are outliers among them, and among them is the mursal of a non-companion, whether he is one of the followers, or Follow the followers, it is a subject of disagreement among scholars, between supporters and opponents, and each has his own point of view with evidence and evidence that prove the validity of what he believed. The disagreement that arose among scholars is undoubtedly because jurisprudential effects have been built on it, connected to the fundamentalist rules, which are the subject of study.