دَلَّتْ الإِحْصَاءاتُ الرَّسْميَّةُ للسُّكَـانِ إبَّانَ القـرنِ 19م وَالنِّصْفِ الأَوَّلِ مِـنَ القَـرْنِ 20م عَلَى وُجــودِ نِسبَةٍ غَير قَليلةٍ مِنَ المَـسيحيين واليهــود وَغَيرهمْ بِمَدينةِ الفيومِ، تِلْكَ النِّسبَةُ كَانَتْ تَضـمُّ الأقبــاطَ المصــريـينَ، وَبَعْـضَ الطَّـوائفِ المَـسيحيةِ مِـنْ أَفْــرادِ الجَالياتِ وَالإرْساليات التبشيريَّـةِ. وَنَتيجةَ لِسياسَةِ الاحْتِلال التَّعْـليميَّةِ الَّتِي هَـدَفَـتْ تَقـويضُ الثقافة المِصريَّة، وَتَخْريــج موظفـين فقطْ للعَمَلِ بِالدَّوائــرِ الحُكوميةِ، وَاِتِّخَاذهَـا سُبُلَ عِـدَّة لِتَحقـيـق ذَلِكَ مِنْهَـا، بِخِلَافِ الإجْـراءات المُتَّخذةِ ضِدَّ التَّعليمِ الوَطنيِّ، تَـشْجيعُ نَشَاطِ الإرسْالياتِ كَسْبًا لِـرضهَــا، وَإِمْعــانًا فِي نَشْـرِ دَورهَـا التَّثقيفي وَالتَّعليمي مِنْ خِلَالِ مَدارسِهَا، فَقَــدْ أَدْركَ المِصْــريون سِياسَة الاحتلالِ فِي هَـذَا الصَّـدَدِ، فَاِتَّخَـذوا مِنَ الأوْقَــافِ وَنِظَامِ الاِكْتِتــابِ العَـامِّ (التَّبَــرعَات) وَسيلَةً لِدَعْـمِ التَّعليمِ الأَهْليِّ الـحُـرِّ، وَذَلِكَ بِإنْشَــاءِ الكَتاتيب وَالمَدارس الإِسْلاميَّةِ والقِـبْطيَّةِ وَرَصْــدِ الأَوْقَــافِ عَلَيهَا وَعَلى مَصَالِحِهَـا، وَقَـدْ سَاهَـمَت الحُكُــومَةُ مُمَثَّلَةً فِي نِظَارةِ المَعَـارفِ العُـموميَّةِ، وَوِزارَةِ الأَوْقَــافِ، وَمَجَالـسِ المُديـريّاتِ ... إِلَخْ فِي إنْشَاءِ تِلْكَ المُؤَسَّسَاتِ التَّعليـمـةِ، وَصَدَرَتِ القَــوانين الَّتِي تَسْمَـحُ بِـوُجُـودِ مَدارسَ مُشْتركَةٍ للمُسملين وَالأَقْباطِ عَلَى أنْ تَكُـونَ مَادَّةُ الدِّيانَـةِ هِي المُخْتلفةُ فَقطْ فِي النِّظَامِ التَّعليميِّ. وَتَتَناولُ هَـذِهِ الوَرَقةُ البَحْثِيَّةُ مُنْشَـآتِ تَعْليمِ الطَّوائفِ المَسيحيةِ بِمَدينَةِ الفَيـومِ سَـواءٌ مُنشــآت الأقباطِ المِصريينَ أو مَدراسِ الإِرْسَاليّاتِ (الإنْجيليةِ) خِلَالَ النِّصْفِ الثَّانِي مِـنَ القَـرْنِ 19م وَالنِّصْف الأَوَّل مِــنَ القَـرْنِ 20م، مُعْـتَمِدةً فِي ذَلِكَ عَلَى الإِحْصَاءاتِ الرَّسْـميَّةِ، وَعَلَى الدِّراسَـةِ التَّسْجِيليَّةِ الوَثَائقـيَّةِ، وَالآثـاريَّـةِ، لِثَلاثَـةِ مَـدارِسٍ بَاقـيَةٍ بِالمَـدينَةِ اِثنتَانِ إنْشئَتَــا كَمَدارسٍ، وَوَاحدةِ تَمَّ تَحْـويلها مِـنْ مَبْنَى سَكَنيٍّ إِلى مَدْرَسَةٍ قِبْطيَّةٍ فِي ثَلَاثِينَاتِ القَـرْنِ 20 المِيلَادِيِّ.
The official population statistics during the 19th c. CE and the first half of the 20th c. CE indicated that there was a significant percentage of Christians, Jews and others in Fayoum city. This percentage included Egyptian Copts, and some Christian denominations from members of the communities and missionaries. The educational policy of the British occupation aim was undermining the Egyptian culture, so it was graduating employees only to work in the governmental departments. British occupation achieved this policy via different ways; among which, downsizing the role of the Egyptian national education and encouraging the missionaries' efforts in order to gain their satisfaction. The latter spread its culture through its own schools. Egyptians realized this policy of the occupation, since they resorted to the waqfs and donations to as a mean to support civilian education through foundation Islamic and Coptic schools and primary institutes (Kuttāb). The concerned ministries such as the Public Education Authority, the Ministry of Waqfs, and the councils of directorates have been participated, as a representative of the Egyptian government, in the establishing of those educational institutions. Moreover, they issued the laws that allowed the existence of joint schools for Muslims and Copts. In which, the religion was the only different subject. This paper deals with the educational institutions of Christian denominations in the city of Fayoum; whether those belong to the Egyptian Copts or the Evangelical ones. The study analyses these institutions mainly via archives and official statistics. These schools dated to the second half of the 19th c. and the first half of the 20th c. C.E. There are three existed schools in the city; two have initially established as schools, while the third one was formerly a residential building, then converted into a Coptic school in 1930s.