Background: Health is the society's most essential values, and it has been prioritized as one of the sustainable development goals. As a result, health should be protected and improved to the possible greatest extent. Students' academic achievement refers to increasing the students existing state of knowledge and skills, as shown in grade point average, as well as developing personalities and academic advancement from lower to higher levels. Aim of the Study: The current study aimed to assess the common health related factors affecting academic achievement among Minia university students. Design: A descriptive research design was utilized to fulfill the aim of the study. Settings: The study was conducted in Faculty of Nursing, Pharmacy, Education (inside the university campus) and Faculty of Arts (outside the university campus) at Minia University, Egypt. Sample: A stratified random sample of 421 students was committed to the study. Data collection Tools: five interviewing tools were used as follows: I; A structured interviewing questionnaire (socio demographic criteria), Ⅱ; common Health related factors questionnaire. Ⅲ; Grade point average questionnaire. Ⅳ; study pattern assessment questionnaire. Ⅴ; student related factors questionnaire. Results: - The current study revealed that the most common health problems were, 40%of the participant students have anemia, 44.8% have depression 40,9% never done exercise as reported by the participant students, 58.6%, of participant students agreed that lifestyle have effect on academic achievement. Conclusion: A significant positive correlation between student factor and academic achievement was found, A significant positive correlation between family environmental factor and academic achievement. Recommendations: - Regularly check students who have chronic diseases. Design and implement educative programs about health risks and the preventive methods.