Background: Favism is condition causing adverse reactions to fava beans and certain other triggers,
can be particularly challenging for children and their families. Mothers, often the primary caregivers,
play a critical role in managing their child's condition. Aim: To assess mother's perception for their
children suffering from favism. Design: A descriptive research design was utilized. Setting: This
study was conducted at pediatrics and hematology outpatient clinics at Helwan General Hospital, El
Nasr Hospital, and 15 May Hospital. Sample: A purposive sample of 197 mothers who had children
diagnosed with favism. Tool: A structured interview questionnaire was divided into 4 parts: part 1:
Demographic data for mothers and their children, Part 2: Mothers' knowledge regarding favism, Part
3: Mothers' attitude regarding favism, and Part 4: Mothers' reported practice about favism. Results:
80.2% of studied mothers had poor level of total knowledge about favism, and 13.7% and 6.1 of them
had an average and good level of knowledge about favism respectively. Also, 86.8% of studied
mothers had negative attitude about favism, while and 57.4% of them had inadequate reported practice
about favism. Conclusion: The majority of studied mothers had poor levels of total knowledge and
negative attitude about favism, while, more than half of them had inadequately reported practices.
Finally, there was a statistically significant positive correlation between total knowledge, total
reported practices and total attitude of the studied mothers regarding favism. Recommendations:
Developing an educational program to increase mothers' awareness about favism.