Understanding choice of family planning provider is fundamental for policy makers and program managers as they seek ways to both improve the coverage and increase the sustainability and efficiency of family planning services for Egypt to achieve its population objectives. This study focuses first on providing a descriptive profile of the patterns of reliance on sources of family planning services. Binomial logit models is then estimated to obtain a more in depth understanding of the determinants of the choice of family planning providers in Egypt using the 2000 Egypt Demographic and Health Survey. The study offers insights into a number of aspects of family planning service provision about which there has been less previous investigation. There are marked differences in the extent to which Egyptian women rely on public or private providers for family planning services depending on the type of method they are seeking. Among the more important findings is the consistency women display in the choice of provider among women reporting multiple segments of use. With regard to the determinants of the choice of provider for family planning services, perhaps the most interesting finding is that household wealth was not a significant determinant of the choice of provider. This may reflect that private sources meet the demand for family planning services of significant proportions of women in rural areas and among those in the low income groups.
Family Planning Providers, logistic model, Egypt
Faculty of Economics and Political Science -Cairo University
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المجلة المصرية للسکان وتنظيم الأسرة
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Women's Use of Public and Private Family Planning Providers: An Examination in Egypt