The problem of study in the relationship between socialization and the criteria for girls' choice of life partner and aimed at determining the relationship between socialization and the trend of girls towards choosing a life partner, and the tendency of girls towards choosing a life partner, and sub-assignments: there is a positive relationship between the punitive method and the trend of girls towards choosing life. There is a positive and statistically significant relationship between the method of withdrawal of love and the tendency of girls towards choosing a life partner. The concept of parental treatment methods. This study belongs to descriptive studies and the methodology of the study method of social survey in for girls at the Faculty of Social Service University of Helwan. The study results resulted in a lack of proof of the validity of their main and sub-functions, as the results of the study were shown after the application of the measure of parental treatment methods, and the measure of trends of girls towards the choice of a life partner to the following results: the existence of a statistically non-functioning expulsion relationship between parental treatment methods as a whole (punitive method - method Withdrawal of love - indicative method) and girls' attitudes towards choosing a partner (the tendency of girls to accept or refuse to marry - the choice of the personality of the husband - the way they are treated with their husbands - the way they treat their children). The existence of a statistically unproductive inverse relationship between the indicative method and the trend of girls towards choosing a life partner. In the light of the results of the study, any social worker who develops a counselling programmes for the treatment of girls who are married must consider the following indicators: parental treatment methods by parents influence the attitude of girls towards choosing a partner. The punitive approach adopted by parents affects the girl's acceptance or refusal to marry as one of the girls' attitude towards the choice of a partner.